The nexus of strategy, learning and development, and cultural change

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In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organisations are increasingly recognising the interconnectedness of strategy, learning and development (L&D), and cultural change. These three components are integral parts of an organisation's journey towards success and should not be considered in separate silos. This article explores how a strategic approach to L&D can drive cultural change within an organisation, ultimately leading to greater agility and competitiveness.

Aligning L&D with strategic objectives

Effective L&D starts with aligning training initiatives to the organisation's strategic goals. A strategic approach to L&D ensures that employees are equipped with the skills and knowledge required to execute the company's vision. This involves identifying critical skills gaps, both current and future, and designing training programs that address those gaps. Connecting L&D to the organisation’s strategic objectives will ensure that learning investments directly contribute to achieving business outcomes.

The challenges of cultural change

When establishing the company's vision, we are simultaneously defining the essence of our organisational culture. However, to successfully embed and evolve this culture, we must undertake deliberate and nuanced efforts to continually celebrate the active embodiment of our cultural values. Unfortunately, cultural shifts can sometimes lead to undesirable or even toxic outcomes. These may arise from various factors like:

  • Poor leadership: The actions, decisions and communication of leaders heavily influence the culture of an organisation. If leadership lacks alignment with the values, or demonstrates behaviours that contradict the desired culture, it can send confusing signals to employees.
  • Unresolved conflicts: Unaddressed conflicts within teams or departments can fester and erode the culture over time. The presence of interpersonal issues, unresolved disputes, or a lack of conflict resolution mechanisms can contribute to a negative atmosphere.
  • Silent actions: Sometimes, what remains unsaid or undone can be just as influential as explicit actions. Employees may perceive a negative culture when they witness inaction in response to unethical behaviour, discrimination, or harassment.
  • Poor change management: Rapid changes within an organisation such as restructuring, mergers, or downsizing, can disrupt established cultural norms. Employees may resist change or feel disconnected from the new direction, leading to cultural friction.

Why L&D is the catalyst for cultural transformation

Amidst these challenges, L&D emerges as a powerful catalyst for cultural transformation. Here's how:

  • Behaviour exploration: L&D programs provide a platform to explore and reinforce explicit behaviours aligned with the desired culture. Through workshops, training, ongoing performance development and coaching, employees can gain a clearer understanding of the cultural expectations.
  • Skill building: L&D can equip employees with the necessary skills and competencies to exhibit the desired behaviours. Training on communication, conflict resolution and leadership skills can all contribute to a positive culture.
  • Setting the tone: L&D initiatives set the tone for the organisation's commitment to continuous improvement and cultural alignment. When employees see a genuine investment in their growth and development, they are more likely to embrace and actively contribute to the culture.
  • Values reinforcement: L&D can incorporate discussions and activities that reinforce the organisation's core values. This not only educates employees but also fosters a sense of pride and commitment to the culture.
  • Continuous learning culture: By promoting a culture of continuous learning, L&D encourages employees to stay engaged, adaptable, and receptive to cultural changes. This helps prevent cultural stagnation or decline.

In essence, when an organisation sets its strategic direction and priorities, it is often underpinned by an expected cultural change to reach the desired outcomes. L&D serves as a bridge between the organisation's vision and its cultural reality. It empowers employees to embrace the desired culture through explicit behaviours, skill development, and a commitment to growth. By addressing the root causes of cultural challenges and leveraging L&D as a strategic tool, organisations can navigate cultural shifts with resilience and positivity, ensuring a thriving and sustainable culture.

By Kayla Palombo
Organisational Design and Development Specialist
Tasmanian Training Consortium, Department of Premier and Cabinet
Published: 07 November 2023